(English follows Japanese)
### チームのミッション/責任
Mobility Tech Company であるソニー・ホンダモビリティにおいて、クラウドサービスおよび顧客とのタッチポイントであるWebアプリ・モバイルアプリを、内製にてスピード感を持って開発・運営し、新たな顧客価値を次々に創出・継続的に提供するとともに、そのために必要なソフトウェア技術の磨きこみ・アジャイル文化の醸成を推進していくこと。
### 職務内容
> 開発ツール等
・React SPA と周辺技術
### Team’s Mission / Responsibilities
At Sony Honda Mobility as a Mobility Tech Company, rapidly develop and manage cloud service and web/mobile apps which can be touchpoints with customers, to create and continuously provide new value for customers, while continuously updating our own software technology, then foster an agile development culture to achieve our goals.
### Job description
You will be responsible for web application development in Sony Honda Mobility‘s service business. You will be a member to design and develop the network architecture in coordination with designers and planning members, as well as collaborating with cloud backend engineers.
> Development areas / current projects:
Online Sales Service Web Application that Realizes the Entire Customer Lifetime Journey, from Account Creation to Reservation/Purchase, Delivery, and Resale
> Development tools, etc.
・ JavaScript / TypeScript
・ React SPA and related technologies
・ Component-oriented and atomic design
・ Increasing development environment efficiency including testing
・Slack, GitHub, Figma, etc.
Project structure:
・ Headcount: 5-10 members / project
・ Sprint duration: 1 week